A vowed religious community in the monastic tradition of the Episcopal Church
Collect for Our Lady of Cana

The motto of our community comes from the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee in St. John’s Gospel, where Mary instructs the stewards: “Do whatever He tells you.” Thus, we came to call the Mother of Jesus, Our Lady of Cana. This title is unique to us. We choose it for Mary because it reminds us that Mary took the need she saw at the wedding feast to her Beloved Son. That encourages us to do the same with the needs of others that we see each day. We ask Our Lady of Cana to pray with us as we place those needs before her Beloved Son.
Collect for Our Lady of Cana
O Lady of Cana, at the wedding feast you saw they had no more wine, and you took this concern you saw to your beloved Son. Please pray with me as I bring to Jesus the concerns I have for the neighbors who are in need. I place before your Son the hungry, the sick, the homeless, the lonely old, and the lonely young, those who are out of work, suffering abuse, or dying. I especially wish to pray for….(here mention your prayer)….. May Jesus, who changed the water into wine, touch them and change their sadness into joy. May the love of your Son help them to always know that they are dearly loved by God. Amen