A vowed religious community in the monastic tradition of the Episcopal Church
Our Four Vows
Our four unique vows focus us on living our Rule so as to be beacons of God’s affirming love for all, especially our neighbors who are in need. They also call us each day to be contemplatives in the action of loving service and prayer.
Our four vows are Justice, Tenderness, Humility, and Contemplation.

To live a life of gospel centered simplicity; to be prophetic advocates for our neighbors in need, for neighbors from other nations who reside in our cities, and for our neighbor, the Earth.
To serve our neighbors who are in need; to seek to love all people as God loves them; to lift up the lowly; to live faithful love in our relationships and with our God.
To walk each day with God; to see what we do as God’s work; to follow what Jesus tells us to do; to seek the wisdom of God though Sacred Scripture, prayer, and the voices of our religious community and leaders.
To be still before God; to abide in God’s love; to experience God as the source and summit of our lives; and to rejoice in God our Savior.